Sunday, December 4, 2011

Six days out.

Hello Friends, 
      Today makes five days since I had my VSG and I feel great!!! I am still on liquids, mostly clear plus almond milk and protein powder. I am constantly sipping to get in my 64 ounces of fluids and 60 grams of protein. I'm going to see Dr. Posner tomorrow to have my drain removed(hopefully) and hopefully get cleared to do some exercising, y'all know how much I miss my Zumba! This week I would really like to start walking on the treadmill (possibly elliptical) and definitely do some arms, crazy arms and chest so I can combat some of this flabby hanging skin I'm going to have. So, things have been going extremely well, I have not been convalesced at all, I still carry on my normal business with the exception of work. I made it to church this morning and felt pretty good.I am falling asleep quite a bit, but I'm pretty sure that's my body adjusting to running on so few calories. I jumped on the scale just before I started this and I weigh 220 which is what I weighed before I got pregnant with DS4, maybe even a pound or two less. Nonetheless I know I haven't seen that number on the scale in quite a while so I am very happy with whats going on in my body thus far. I do not feel hungry, but a bit jealous when people are eating around me. That all goes away though every time I look in the mirror because I can see the change in myself. That's all for now, Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I had on pantyhose in this pic, but no Spanx, just thought I'd share that :)
